Monday, October 18, 2010

Termite Jar Observation

In our science class we have created a jar, which inside is a mini termite enviroment that we have been observing. The jar consisted of 120 grams of Silica sand, Doughsfir wood, 19 mL of water and about 45 or more termites. In a couple of weeks the enviroment began to change as the termites became used to their new home. The termites began to make tunnels and holes in the sand to the bottom of the jar creating many different pathways. They started to eat the wood and for some odd reason, the water dissolved. As time passed their activity level started to slow down and some of the termites began to die off. At the end of our observation all of the termites have died, it could've had something to do with the enclosed enviroment. I enjoyed learning about these termites to a certain extent, their lifestyle is very interesting, especially the fact that they are blind and get so much accomplished. My favorite part of this section was when we viewed the protozoa under the microscope, it's crazy how such a little creature could have something so amazing looking inside of it. I think we kind of spent too much time in this section when we could've been learning something that is more benefical to our education.

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