Today I'm going to Introduce the very simple to use pH 10 temperature pen. This tool is used to check temperature & the pH of water or any type of liquids. pH explains if the liquid is more of an acid or a base, which is a a more understandable way of saying how many hydrogen ions are in the solution.
I'm going to tell you how to work this tool, if you were ever in need of using it.
1. Turn on the device by pressing the on/off button
2. Set the time and date (so when you store the data you collected it will be programmed on the correct day)
3. Calibrate device
4. Immerse into solution with pH of 6.86-7.00
5. Dip electrode into test solution
6. Hold the data once the screen has legitamate pH information
7. Last but not least, store your data into device by pressing the store button